Keeping Your Cool as The Temps Soar

Keeping Your Cool as The Temps Soar

Posted by rpgadmin on Jun 28th 2012

Man it’s hot out there!  Let’s face it, when the temps soar past the 80’s who wouldn’t love to walk around in next to nothing.  Of course, that’s not going to happen, what would your co-workers say?  Here are some tips to keep your cool and fit in at the office.

1. Wear textured fabrics. Seersucker, madras, hopsack, oxford, and linen all have something in common: they’re summer favorites with a distinct texture. And they all serve one purpose — to keep part of the fabric away from the skin. By only touching parts of the epidermis, they allow for air channels to open right up.

2. Undershirts. Opt for a light grey v-neck, short sleeve version.  It will  keep the sweat from reaching your over-shirt (especially the pits, which tank tops most certainly do not) without showing through a white collared one, like the overrated white-on-white V-neck effect. And, hey, at least a damp undershirt will cool you down when (if?) that breeze hits.

3. Embrace light colors. Dark colors absorb light and heat, light colors reflect light; logic ensues.

4. Don’t wear a hat, unless it’s a straw one. The single point on your body where the most heat escapes is your head. That’s why you wear a knit cap in the winter. When it’s blistering out, you want that heat to escape. So, with this exception of straw (which allows the heat to dissipate while providing some shade), leave the hats on the rack.

5. Put a bandanna in your back pocket. For wiping and wetting. Sometimes a damp cloth on the back of the neck feels good and can have a cooling effect.

6. Don’t wear light blue. It shows sweat more than anything else you own.

7. No lined blazers. No matter how hot it is, some guys must wear a jacket to work.  Blazers are usually lined with silk, satin or polyester; none of which breathe very well. This traps in the heat. This makes you want to die when it’s this hot. Unlined blazers are your best friend in this type of environment, and lots of others. Invest your money here.

The post Keeping Your Cool as The Temps Soar appeared first on Arrowsmith Shoes.